Monday, February 23, 2009

Two Kinds By Amy Tan

Arturo Lopez
Mr. Hsiao
English 100
Cerritos College
Post# idr

Two Kinds by Amy Tan

This piece of literature is basically my life story. I completely understand what Amy Tan went through with her mother, except that in my situation, i conflicted with my father. Amy Tan's firts mistake in the story was striving for perfection, because one will never reach it. You are basically setting yourself up for a disaster. I experienced this first hand. This story literally sent chills down my spine because i went through every emotion that she went through. The scene in the story that gripped me the most was the part when she looked at herself in the mirror and cried in agony because she was pleasing her mother and she couldnt find the prodigy within herself. I did the exact same thing. I cant believe how this story and my life coincided with each other. I am still in shock. This story just let me know that there are other people who have gone through this. I am looking forward to discussing this story. I have a lot to say about it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009